
The start of COMMUNICAID
“Is there any food you don’t like or can’t eat?”
“I have a XX allergy, so I can’t eat...”
Such a conversation is becoming the norm, is it not?
Knowing this, have you thought about how many people have food allergies?
Currently in Japan, 10% of infants, 4.5% of children, and 2% of adults have food allergies. Domestically, over 2,530,000 people have to be cautious when eating, properly understanding what ingredients are in the foods they consume.
Food allergies must be taken seriously, as they can cause severe symptoms that have the potential of becoming life threatening. During the events of Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, about 2% of evacuees were allergic to the meals at evacuation centers. And without understanding this risk, some individuals told evacuees with food restrictions to “not be so picky at a time like this” (*1).
Amongst those evacuated after the earthquake, international students made up a portion of those at emergency centers. A number of these students had food restrictions from allergies, vegetarian diets, or religious beliefs that prevented them from eating certain foods. However, due to the difficulty of the Japanese language and the psychological barriers faced by these evacuees, it was challenging for many to properly communicate within evacuation centers, leading individuals to become isolated. Subsequently, about 80% of evacuees left evacuation centers by the 3rd day, with certain evacuees feeling they could not receive the necessary public support and said they were staying in a harsh environment (*2).
Recently in Japan, there has been a boom in the word “inbound”. This year, the number of foreign visitors to Japan has reached 28.96 million and the number of foreigners residing in Japan has reached 2.56 million.
In instances were a major disaster happens, we have to look past our “difference,” such as country and culture, in order to help each other, providing information and support to overcome a difficult situation together.
Several days after the Great East Japan earthquake, our organization, INTERNASHOKUNAL, was asked, “Could you help coordinate meals at an evacuation center?”. From that experience onwards, we started our disaster prevention efforts.
We began by conducting interviews, talking with a total of 243 people, including foreigners, people with disabilities, and disaster relief workers from the Great East Japan Earthquake and other past natural disasters. At these disaster stricken areas, we conducted thorough verifications of the accidents and troubles that occurred.
In the end, our interview results led us to create a communication support tool that uses pictograms (emojis) and multilingual communication essentials for evacuation behavior and evacuation life. With the support of the 2015 Kansai Region NGO Grant Program (Kansai NGO Association & Shinjien), we developed a prototype communication card we call COMMUNICAID.